NOWENA® Coaching

NOWENA® is ideal for experienced leaders, who already have the needed knowledge and experience to successfully act as a leader.

NOWENA® for leaders

Outstanding results require exceptional actions. Exceptional actions require exceptional thinking. The unique content, duration and structure of this program, provides a recurring opportunity for leaders, from various companies and business areas, to stop and reflect leadership in experienced company. During NOWENA® journey, leaders build their character and find the way to live the leadership, that results in business success.

There are only 8 seats at NOWENA® table

NOWENA® starts once a year.

  • NOWENA® participants are selected from various companies in different business areas
  • Every business area has just one seat
  • NOWENA® is a 12 month growth journey as a leader and a person
  • Small group; 8 selected participants

NOWENA® is a impressive reflection based group coaching, leader’s growth journey, network – a leap to a totally new level of leadership. NOWENA® enables leaders to find the factor that makes them exceptional leaders – NOWENA® reveals the unique, exceptional leader in you. This group coaching is not focused on training management theories or only increasing information, but on coaching, reflection and leadership growth. NOWENA® graduates and NOWENA® Leader certified leaders have exceptional thinking, courage to act, leaders energy and they repeatedly produce exceptional results.

NOWENA® is a amazing journey
to the heart of leadership.

Since we do discuss various topics, both personal and professional, this training is held in Finnish only, the emotional language of the participants. NOWENA® is lead by leadership forerunner Nonna Babitzin, who has both business leadership experiences in an international organization and is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) by ICF (International Coach Federation).

Year long journey includes

  • Potential mapping
  • 9 group coaching modules (12 coaching days in a small group)
  • Personal executive coaching session
  • Impact evaluation

Participants are expected to have

  • Strong experience and knowledge as a leader
  • Strong will to develop own leadership
  • Commitment in prioritising coaching days
  • Recommendation from former NOWENA® graduate

Book a time
for a interview.

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“Nowena meant inner growth, journey to myself and finding my own strengths and leadership identity. Nowena was a year long magnificent journey to the heart of leadership with congenial group of people. We went bravely deep in our discussions, learning, finding awareness and insight together and supporting each other.”

— Johanna Panula, General Manager, 
Novo Nordisk (Finland)

“Nowena has been a amazing jouney to myself, whre I am now and where I want to be in the future, how do I keep growing as a leader. Nowena has provided a amazing group of people. Together we have reflected on life and learned from each others experiences how we can raise the level.”

— Jaana Suvanto, Vice President, ABB (Finland)

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