NOWENA® for leaders
Outstanding results require exceptional actions. Exceptional actions require exceptional thinking. The unique content, duration and structure of this program, provides a recurring opportunity for leaders, from various companies and business areas, to stop and reflect leadership in experienced company. During NOWENA® journey, leaders build their character and find the way to live the leadership, that results in business success.
There are only 8 seats at NOWENA® table
NOWENA® starts once a year.
- NOWENA® participants are selected from various companies in different business areas
- Every business area has just one seat
- NOWENA® is a 12 month growth journey as a leader and a person
- Small group; 8 selected participants
NOWENA® is a impressive reflection based group coaching, leader’s growth journey, network – a leap to a totally new level of leadership. NOWENA® enables leaders to find the factor that makes them exceptional leaders – NOWENA® reveals the unique, exceptional leader in you. This group coaching is not focused on training management theories or only increasing information, but on coaching, reflection and leadership growth. NOWENA® graduates and NOWENA® Leader certified leaders have exceptional thinking, courage to act, leaders energy and they repeatedly produce exceptional results.